
ChunLee Music 珍妮老師的音樂世界

擁有 38 年專業歌唱及鋼琴教學經驗 |習慣用活潑有趣的方式,幫助唱歌及鋼琴學生,解決由入門到演奏及演出的奇難雜症 🎶

為什麼小朋友要學唱歌 | CrossKids | CrossLab









7 + 1 兒童歌唱訓練演出班

本課程包括 7 堂歌唱訓練課+1 堂 Open Day 公開演出,課堂由專業老師以鋼琴即興伴奏進行,讓小朋友輕鬆學會:

  1. 呼吸運氣開聲
  2. 正確咬字吐詞
  3. 節拍入門知識
  4. 歌曲演出技巧

上課日期:19/7, 21/7, 26/7, 28/7, 2/8, 4/8, 9/8( 逢星期 一 , 三 )
演出日期: 14/8 ( 星期六 )| 11:00 – 12:30
時間 : 11:00 – 12:00 ( 3-6 歲幼兒班 ) | 13:00 – 14:00 ( 7-10 歲兒童班 )
課堂價錢:$ 800 ( 包 7 堂歌唱訓練 + 1 堂 Open Day 演出費用 )
每班名額:12 人 ( 名額有限,先到先得 )

* 現時報名,二人同行共享八折優惠!



上課日期: 3/7 ( 星期六 )
時間 : 11:00 – 12:00
地點: 新蒲崗大有街 32 號泰力工業中心1107 室
適合年齡: 3-12 歲
費用: 全免 ( 名額有限,先到先得)

(1) Online Reservation

  • Log in to our instant booking system

  • Select your preferred time

  • Fill in your personal information to reserve your desired shooting slot

(2) Preparation for Shooting

  • We recommend customers arrive at the store 10 minutes before the shooting time. The store has a rest area, changing room, and self-service dressing area.
  • The self-service dressing area provides basic hair styling products for customers to tidy up their hair and appearance.

(3) Professional Photography Guidance

  • Under professional lighting, the photographer will carefully guide the customers through the shoot. Customers can also preview their photos on the screen and communicate their expressions and poses with the photographer to achieve the best results.

(4) One-on-One Photo Retouching

  • 拍攝完成後,After the shoot, the retoucher will refine the selected photos. Customers can participate throughout the process and are welcome to give feedback on the retouching effects.

(5) Satisfactory Collection

  • Once the customer is satisfied with the retouched photos, the high-resolution digital files will be sent to their registered email for free, and printing will be arranged.