
改善髖關節活動度!3 分鐘地板式動態拉筋運動 | CrossLab




讓我們先由學習「拉筋準備動作」 開始吧!

準備姿勢 1 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

Step 1 :盤骨坐落在地板上,把你的身體的重量分散到地面

Step 2 :背脊儘量保持伸直

準備姿勢 3 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

Step 3:提起雙腿,腳背保持蹦直

Good Job!學完拉筋準備動作,現在我們一起開始訓練吧!

改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

STEP 1:慢慢深呼吸,右手提起左腳,以鼻為中線,腳置於中線上

動作 2 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

STEP 2:把盆骨髖關節打開,腳部打開成 L 字型 

動作 3 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

STEP 3:把腿由 7 字型,慢慢嘗試把腿向上提高伸直,如果無法把腳提得像跳舞老師那麼高,只需按自己能力提到自己腿部暫時可以到達的高度即可,雙手可以扶著大腿,快到達了極限高度很,便嘗試停住在這個高度,並 Hold 住 4 秒

動作 4 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

STEP 4:把腳慢慢放下,再重覆一次,把盆骨髖關節打開,腳部打開成 7 字型 

動作 5 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

STEP 5:再慢慢嘗試把腿向上提高伸直,腿位置繼續保持鼻中線位置,記得保持呼吸節奏,注意背脊儘量保持伸直,這次嘗試加入腳尖 Point ,並 Hold 著 4 秒 

動作 6 | 改善髖關節活動度 | 地板式動態伸展運動 | 練習教學

STEP 6:把腳慢慢放下到地面,保持腳尖 Point,腿保持伸直

STEP 7: 把身體調正回準備姿勢,動作完成


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用我們的優惠碼預訂 Tokyo & L.A 房間,享受優惠吧!🎉

(1) Online Reservation

  • Log in to our instant booking system

  • Select your preferred time

  • Fill in your personal information to reserve your desired shooting slot

(2) Preparation for Shooting

  • We recommend customers arrive at the store 10 minutes before the shooting time. The store has a rest area, changing room, and self-service dressing area.
  • The self-service dressing area provides basic hair styling products for customers to tidy up their hair and appearance.

(3) Professional Photography Guidance

  • Under professional lighting, the photographer will carefully guide the customers through the shoot. Customers can also preview their photos on the screen and communicate their expressions and poses with the photographer to achieve the best results.

(4) One-on-One Photo Retouching

  • 拍攝完成後,After the shoot, the retoucher will refine the selected photos. Customers can participate throughout the process and are welcome to give feedback on the retouching effects.

(5) Satisfactory Collection

  • Once the customer is satisfied with the retouched photos, the high-resolution digital files will be sent to their registered email for free, and printing will be arranged.