3 個簡單 Party Dance Moves 教學|讓你成為派對焦點!

3 個簡單 Party Dance Moves 教學 | CrossLab

身為男士的你,有沒試過這出席一些熱鬧的社交場合中,現場放著很 High 的音樂,身邊人都開始動起來,這個時侯你也很著跳一下,但又擔心自己會出洋相?

為了幫助你解決這個亞洲男士常見的社交難題,來自台灣的 Party Dance Master Ash Wang 為你準備了 3 個簡單的 Party Dance Move 舞蹈教學, 在教學中 跳舞老師將會一起用 6 分鐘,訓練你的「肩、腰及膝」三大跳舞常用的身體部份,讓你更輕鬆掌握身體與音樂的協調性

1.Party Dance Move 教學 - Bankhead Bounce

Party Dance Move Tutorial- Bankhead Bounce | CrossLab

party dance move tutorial- Bankhead Bounce

Bankhead Bounce 這個舞步可以用在很擠擁的派對場合中, 但你都可以用肩展示自己. 所以這個動作重點在於肩膀, 讓我們開始吧!

Bankhead Bounce 舞步教學重點

  1. 首先把你的手放在胸前, 然後做一個握拳的動作
  2. 然後抖動你的肩膀, 抬起來, 放下
  3. 動作方向大概可以往你的左面, 右面前面甚至你的後面
  4. 基本上是不需要用到你的下盤動作

2.Party Dance Move 教學 - Drunk Men

Party Dance Move Tutorial - Drunk Men | CrossLab

party dance move tutorial – Drunk Men

Drunk Men 這個舞步可以在你酒吧喝酒時可以盡情搖擺你自己, 或是你在家喝水的時候, 也可以盡情搖擺你自己, 所以這個動作重點是在於腰, 讓我們開始吧!

Drunk Men 舞步教學重點

  1. 像一個醉漢一樣
  2. 把你的手放在腰
  3. 把你的身體重心稍微往下
  4. 做呼拉圈一樣的旋轉動作

3.Party Dance Move 教學 - Golf (Dougie)

Party Dance Move Tutorial - Golf (Dougie) | CrossLab

party dance move tutorial – Golf (Dougie)

Golf 源於一個舞步叫 Dougie 的基本變化版本, Golf (Dougie) 可以透過身體的高低變化, 來吸引更加多的目光, 讓你成為眾人的焦點! 所以這個動作重點在於膝蓋, 讓我們開始吧!

Golf (Dougie) 舞步教學重點

  1. 雙腳固定在地板上
  2. 先把膝蓋重心向下
  3. 然後利用大腿做左右搖擺


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用我們的優惠碼預訂 Tokyo & L.A 房間,享受優惠吧!🎉

(1) Online Reservation

  • Log in to our instant booking system

  • Select your preferred time

  • Fill in your personal information to reserve your desired shooting slot

(2) Preparation for Shooting

  • We recommend customers arrive at the store 10 minutes before the shooting time. The store has a rest area, changing room, and self-service dressing area.
  • The self-service dressing area provides basic hair styling products for customers to tidy up their hair and appearance.

(3) Professional Photography Guidance

  • Under professional lighting, the photographer will carefully guide the customers through the shoot. Customers can also preview their photos on the screen and communicate their expressions and poses with the photographer to achieve the best results.

(4) One-on-One Photo Retouching

  • 拍攝完成後,After the shoot, the retoucher will refine the selected photos. Customers can participate throughout the process and are welcome to give feedback on the retouching effects.

(5) Satisfactory Collection

  • Once the customer is satisfied with the retouched photos, the high-resolution digital files will be sent to their registered email for free, and printing will be arranged.